Friday, January 18, 2013

Congruent Exercise Online Directory

Here are links to Congruent Exercise online, for material that Bill DeSimone either generated or participated in from 2006-2012.Included are Amazon, Facebook, text and podcast interviews, and You Tube (long and short). 
Thanks for your interest,
Bill DeSimone

Amazon for the print or Kindle, including "Look Inside" and reviews

Facebook page for questions, comments, and discussion:

Text interviews and reviews  Thanks to all listed below.
By Chris Highcock from Nov 2009:
Conditioning Research, one of the top fitness blogs of 2011 (Outside magazine).  While on the Conditioning Research site, search "congruent exercise" for a series of brief reviews Chris did of the manual.

By Anthony Johnson, 2009:
By Anthony Johnson 2012: A particularly enthusiastic review, much appreciated (especially the title).

By Aaron McCloud of Complete Strength Training blog:   five-part question and answer format.

By Dr. Doug McGuff of Body By Science, from Bo Railey's HIT seminar 2006:  Select Articles and scroll to the bottom of the page. 

By Dave Durell on High Intensity Nation  about one hour.  Thank you, Dave, for including me in your impressive line up.

90 minute lecture from July 2010, courtesy of  and production via Anthony Johnson.
This presentation covers the first five chapters of the manual.

5 minute Preview for the above, by yours truly from July 2010 (identify 4 easter eggs for a No-Prize) 5 minute preview CE

Self-produced Video 8 minutes, 2012: Demonstration of all the exercises in the Congruent Exercise manual.  The Kindle version links to individual 30 second clips of each exercise, all viewable directly at

The following videos from 2009-2010 are 10 minutes each.  Demonstration and explanation.  Apologies for the sound quality and my attempts at "natural delivery".  Produced via the late, lamented Flip video.
Introduction to Moment Arm Exercise, the manual which preceded Congruent Exercise.  Currently out of print; I will be posting and revising it to this blog on a semi-regular basis.
Chin ups and keeping your joints healthy
part 1 covering moment arms, flyes and shoulders
part 2 chest press, pectorals
center of gravity, muscle torque, and barbell curls 

carrying angle, bench curls, incline curls
wrist and hand position, hammer curls and gripping vs. wrist curls
levers, insufficiencies, and heel raises

Congruent Exercise, copyright 2012 William DeSimone,